Saturday, November 21, 2009

Symbols carry important meaning

Why is the U.S. flag so important?

Proper Etiquette: Standards of Respect

--The flag should never be dipped to any person or thing. It is flown upside down only as a distress signal.

--The flag should not be used as a drapery, or for covering a speaker’s desk, draping a platform, or for any decoration in general. Bunting of blue, white and red stripes is available for these purposes. The blue stripe of the bunting should be on the top.

--The flag should never be used for any advertising purpose. It should not be embroidered, printed or otherwise impressed on such articles as cushions, handkerchiefs, napkins, boxes, or anything intended to be discarded after temporary use. Advertising signs should not be attached to the staff or halyard

--The flag should not be used as part of a costume or athletic uniform, except that a flag patch may be used on the uniform of military personnel, fireman, policeman and members of patriotic organizations.

--The flag should never have placed on it, or attached to it, any mark, insignia, letter, word, number, figure, or drawing of any kind.

--The flag should never be used as a receptacle for receiving, holding, carrying, or delivering anything.

The U.S. flag providing pride--

The flag brings a sense of pride for those who live here, it’s representational of the U.S. and is a daily part of our lives because it’s everywhere.

In Huston, Texas for example—the U.S. flag is flown at the same level as its state flag.  I think this is interesting to note because of all the foreign-born residents there, and may even provide a different sense of unity for those who live there.  However, it is also said that this diversity could also pose a challenge to any sense of unity that might revolve around the flag.

The U.S. flag in protest--

However, the flag can also be used in protest.  People use the flag constantly to show their displeasure with policies or view that people may have.  Growing up in Topeka, you can see the flag hung upside down on the Phelps' church, and often times, on their signs they hold while picketing outside of local churches, etc.  Because they are so displeased, they are showing this by bashing people’s beliefs and the flag in general because they feel this isn’t how the U.S. should be represented.

The U.S. flag means different things to each person and holds significant meaning in America.  In times like this, it can extend character through another character—meaning that it can provide safety and security for those who live here, especially after and during war.  For those who move here, or live here, it can provide a sense of hope, security, patriotism, and loyalty to the U.S.


Defining Ethnocentrism & why it's important

In the article by Qingwen Dong, Kenneth D. Day and Christine M. Collaco titled Overcoming Ethnocentrism through Developing Intercultural Communication Sensitivity and Multiculturalismit states that one’s one group is the center of everything, and all other things are related to or dependent on it.

Why is this important?
On the positive side, it means that a person has patriotism and a willingness to sacrifice for their group.

This seems like a bad thing because someone can be viewed as having apathy for all other groups besides his or her own.  Additionally, a lack of acceptance and intolerance happens when a person is really ethnocentric.  It can lead to misunderstandings, as well.

The authors measure ethnocentrism by a person’s own culture.  I don’t think this captures ethnocentrism as the authors define it because a person is just responding to how they feel regarding their own culture.  It then says that the scale was modified for communication researchers.

If they want to measure it accurately, they aren’t promoting the right thing.  They’re promoting misunderstandings, and one person may think that their group is the ‘center of everything.’  I just don’t understand how this would measure accurately if they were trying to avoid the topic of ‘apathy towards all outer groups.’  They didn’t test people outside of their own culture groups.

Why is this important to me?
I think ethnocentrism is important because
it ‘promotes an individual’s ability to respect cultural differences, foster multiple cultural identities, and maintain coexistence.’  Meaning, you can respect someone of another culture, define yourself as more than one culture, and live that way.  It then states that those people can be successful in a place like the United States.

This article also states that the “United States is expected to continue its leading position in appreciating cultural diversity and respecting ethnic/cultural identities.”  In order for the U.S. to be a leader in this, it’s important to have communication sensitivity and know about multiculturalism.

Intercultural sensitivity are the things we deal with daily.  It also has two other factors: intercultural communication awareness and intercultural communication sensitivity.  Cultural awareness is important in being culturally sensitive, as well.  Those who have sensitivity do better in intercultural settings.

Multiculturalism focuses on cultural diversity, which is perceived differently by group members.  It is said to be paradox of accommodating rights of minority groups.  Those in minority groups believe that it protects culture and self-identity.  Those in majority groups have a mixed view—believing that multiculturalism brings diverse views and stronger economic forces.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Freedom of religion is a great thing

Religion is defined as human thought, which usually includes a set of narratives, symbols, beliefs, and practices that give meaning to life through a higher power or ultimate truth.

I am thankful that we are able to pick our own religion, without someone telling us we have to believe in something.  While there are people who would like you to be a certain religion or faith—again, it isn’t something that we have to believe in.

I often think that sometimes, people take that for granted.  They think that they just won’t believe because someone isn’t telling them they have to.  They call themselves atheist because they’ve never been ‘exposed.’  But if they wanted something bad enough, they’d search for it.  Why is this different when it comes to the topic of religion?  Why is it that people don’t want to search—even if they come to find it’s too big of a concept for them to grasp (and then maybe even declare agnostic?)  Personally, I’ve found that it’s such a scary concept..something so much bigger than all of us.  But without the experience and exposure I’ve had, I don’t think I’d be writing this is a blog right now.

Ottawa defines this school as faith based—but again, they aren’t forcing their students to become Baptist.  And just like I was raised, I think that if someone wants it enough—they’ll go searching for it.

I also think studying other types of religion are important because you gain an understanding that you might not have otherwise.  Just like understanding other cultures, religion is part of a person’s values and beliefs and it’s important to be aware of why a person may believe a certain thing (like not eating meat.)  It’s important to be sensitive and take into account the things they grew up with—and why they decided to have faith in something else.

Politeness Theory

The Politeness Theory accounts for the redressing of the affronts to face posed by face-threatening acts to addresses. 
Face is a public self-image that a person tries to project.

When someone is trying to portray positive face, they want to be desirable to others.  Additionally, this positive face must be appreciated and approved by others.

So, in a classroom, a student usually doesn’t want to say something out of context because they don’t want to lose positive face.  When a person goes on a date, it’s the same way.  You want to be appreciated by the person you’re with—you want to be desirable on that date.  At the same time, a person who in constantly worried about what others think of them could be considered passive. 

When someone has negative face, they usually have a claim to territory and personal preserves.  So, if a person said “It’s hot in here, is it not?” that’s an example of negative face.  There are many ways a person could interpret that phrase.

The ‘bald on’ record enlists public pressure, and gets credit for honesty and outspokenness.  Doing this makes a person outspoken, which avoids the danger of seeming manipulative.  It also prevents a person from being misunderstood.  So, if a person said, “shut the door” it would be an example of the bald on theory because there is no politeness.

When thinking about face in real life situations, social distance and power are things people must take into consideration.  For example, we may use positive face rather than negative face when speaking with family.  When talking about power, you must take into account social status (aka if I’m trying to do homework in my room and my roommate is being really loud in the living area, I would tell her to be quiet differently then I would a stranger.)